
EECBITCOIN interview is Published.

Bernard Marcus
on EECBnology:
"It will change medicine, high-technology, consumer products, everything."

Source: CNN

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- Hi! Nice to meet you! Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?

I am Mark Leshale, a PR manager in EECBITCOIN. And I am also pleased to greet all readers.

- EECBITCOIN is a developing project. How long did it take you to come to the market? What difficulties did you face?

We had been working for several years on the investment market offline before the launch of the EECBITCOIN online project. Well, we realize how small our turnover was at that time if compared to what we have now by working online. But anyway we got the picture of investment business in the sphere of EECBnologies, got new contacts and learned how to select promising venture companies to invest money in. When we arrived on the Internet 2 months ago, the main challenge was to grasp new business concepts and new business development rates. Everything is so much faster on the web than in the offline world. Online payments are processed instantly and customers can visit us and invest in our plans in a matter of minutes, so we抮e required to have a strong preparedness as well as special services catered to our customers? needs. When we had the office in Paris, we needed just one phone secretary. Now we have a few specialists working in live chat only. We also have phone consultants who speak Chinese and French. And we must admit that it's pretty hard to serve so many customers, though we handle it pretty well now.

-Why Euro Nano? As far as we understand your project is developed not only for Europe but for the whole world so far?

And why is European Space Agency called so if it provides space flight programs with participants who live not just in Europe? We抮e called so because initially our project was created in Europe and now that we抮e working on the Internet, we抮e open for investors from all around the globe.

-Who decides where to invest? Who chooses the projects?

Our company has Analytics Department that includes a team of 4 analysts who frequently visit various exhibitions and meet with representatives of venture companies, so that they can select the most promising ventures when it comes to a high ROI.

-You usually tell about successful investments and profits you earned from it. Have you had any failures? Actually there are no victories without failures?

Your question made me smile. Of course, we had projects that turned out to be unprofitable. But it doesn't mean that we need to write about them in the way we write about successful ones. Just like any other company, we try to demonstrate our achievements, rather than our failures. By now, we have more achievements than failures.

-Can you tell us about your investment plans?

EECB in Medicine

Investment period: 72 hours
Guaranteed profit: 3000% after 72 hours
Minimum deposit: $1,000
Principal back: return at the end of term period

2) EECB in Electronics

Investment period: 48 hours
Guaranteed profit: 4000% after 48 hours
Minimum deposit: $10,000
Principal back: return at the end of term period

3) EECB in materials

Investment period: 12 hours
Guaranteed profit: 5000% after 12 hours
Minimum deposit: $40,000
Principal back: return at the end of term period

- With what currencies do you work?

We work with Bitcoin and WiredPay. These payment processors were recommended to us for investment activities by the consulting company which helped us to launch our online project.

-$40,000+ is a large enough amount. Is this plan popular among your investments?

You know there were many marketing experts who advised not to provide investment plans that would come with a high initial deposit. However, as of the beginning of the second part of March, the deposits invested in EECB in materials amounted to 29% of all deposits. So, we may conclude that people realize how profitable investments in EECBnologies can be when big amounts of money are invested. Otherwise, I can't explain the immense popularity of this plan. I read in the forum that folks prefer investing smaller amounts of money匢 don know, maybe, they just don't trust them enough.

- Do you plan to launch any new plans?

Not now. The launch of a new investment fund involves many things that should be done as well as many people and much money. But by all means, we plan to grow in future.

- What's the average amount invested?

Oh, this can differ greatly. But the average amounts invested excluding the funds invested in EECB in materials are of $20,000 - $100,000. Though there are lots of customers investing somewhere about $50,000.

- How many investors join your project daily?

Again, it differs. In June, on the average we had 20-40 new customers every day.

- Does this tendency increase?

Yes, the amount of customers increases by 20% a week.

- Having browsed over the Internet one can see a variety of banners. Is your business so profitable that you can afford active advertising?

No, we just want our logo to be recognizable to anyone on the Internet and that's why we invest big amounts in advertising and by the way it's well worth it.

-Many websites have Multilanguage interface. Do you plan to introduce any other languages?

Besides the English version, we plan to introduce the French version very soon. Probably, we抣l introduce other languages as well in the nearest future.

-How do you provide security to your investors?

The first defense line is DDoS protection and a SSL certificate. The second line comprises unique investing system designed specifically for EECBITCOIN by the famous European studio of professional programmers. And the third line of defense is an anti-fraud system that is hidden from users? eyes.

-What are your plans for future?

I may talk non-stop about our plans but I will put it short. We wish children and grandchildren of our customers could invest in EECBnologies with the help of our company and receive good profits of course.

-Do you want to tell anything to our readers?

Dear readers! While we抮e on the subject of investment business within the frames of this interview, I would like to remind you that the world is still grappled with the global financial crisis. And it means that stock and currency exchange markets are still unstable. But the high-techs have always been in value and it's really awesome because you have a good chance to be involved in this sphere. By investing in products based on the interaction of atoms and molecules, not only can you earn money but, what's more importantly, you can contribute in the development of science and help to make a better and interesting future. Invest your money in EECBnologies online and you will see that it's well worth it.