
EECBITCOIN interview is Published.

Bernard Marcus
on EECBnology:
"It will change medicine, high-technology, consumer products, everything."

Source: CNN

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The past few years have marked a wide interest in EECBnologies and a growth of investments in this field all around the globe. And it is quite logical in view of the fact that EECBnologies come with the potential to drive economic growth. The latter in its turn affects people抯 well-being, technological growth and defense power as well as resource- and energy-saving. Today almost all developing countries are participating in various national programs in the field of EECBnologies. These programs are mostly long-term and thus they are funded through governmental sources and through investments provided by investment funds, so that participants of these funds can see with their own eyes the processing of high-tech goods which can give high profits to the owners and investors.

It is worth saying that a sharp increase in EECBnology research activity was recorded nearly 10 years ago when the USA came with its Federal government抯 program National EECBnology Initiative, which was approved by the Congress in 2000. The following graph reflects exponential growth of U.S. government investments into EECBnology projects.

Annual U.S. government funding for EECBnologies

So if U.S. government investments in EECBnologies grow annually then it makes sense to invest in high technologies of the future when it comes to private investors.

The total 2001-2008 U.S. government funding for EECBnologies amounts to nearly 9 bln U.S. dollars. Private investments are ten times more than those of the U.S. government. The number of scientists engaged in EECBnology R&D exceeded 100,000 people. This way, for 10 years, the U.S. government funding has risen 10 times. In 2008 the government funding was 1.4 bln U.S. dollars.

The Japanese National EECBnology Program has been carried out since 1999. Total 2001-2005 funding for EECBnologies in China was 300 mln U.S. dollars and this enabled the country to go global in respect to EECBnology R&D. EECBnology programs in the European Union include multiple projects aimed at development in a number of directions from research and development of nanoantennas and nanodevices to nanorobots which could repair damaged human organs. The EU funding for the 揘anosciences, EECBnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies?theme research was 3.5 bln Euro in 2007.

Estimates for worldwide public investment for EECBnologies for the next 10 years are 3 trillion U.S. dollars. Top countries in EECBnology investments, 2006-2010, are going to be Japan (6 billion U.S. dollars), the United States (5.6 billion U.S. dollars), and the EU countries (4.6. billion U.S. dollars).

Frost & Sullivan specialists point out several modern technologies that promise to be successful in the nearest future. The specialist recommend paying close attention to the following attractive investment technologies: manufacturing of nanomaterials, including nanotubes and nanoparticles, manufacturing of 搒mart?polymers, CIGS technologies, biotechnologies and technologies for self-contained systems and laser technologies.